Multiverse Corps: First Flight Interest Check and Sign Up (2024)

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JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#1: May 29th 2020 at 12:13:18 PM

Multiverse Corps: First Flight

You may have heard of the Green Lantern Corps, whose members wield willpower and patrol space protecting it. Or if you were lucky, the Blue Lantern Corps, wielding Hope, or the Star Sapphires, who wield Love.

What little people have heard of are the Multiverse Corps. Its members do not wield a single, specific emotion, but rather, they are chosen by a trait they have, which later becomes the fuel of their Multiverse Bands.

The Multiverse Rangers are chosen from an array of universes who you didn't even know they existed. From Peter Kord, the Blue Spider from Earth-36616 and Mae Dibny, Tsunami of Earth-11260, to Hanne Stenberg, police officer, of Earth-408.

And recently, you were chosen as a Multiverse Ranger of Sector 52. With a bunch of other people, you have to go and protect some universes, and hopefully, something more.

Welcome to Multiverse Corps: First Flight, a play-by-post DC Multiverse crossover roleplay with the basic premise of being Green Lantern in a Multiversal setting.

There is a six player limit here, not including myself, to avoid crowding. I will not accept more than six people, sorry.


Quick information about the MCFF Multiverse:

  • The Multiverse is divided in several Sectors, each sector having 10 universes. All of you are going go be the Multiverse Lanterns Rangers of Sector 52, so your universe number is going to be from 520 to 529. It doesn't matter too much, except that you will be determining the universe number of a NPC.
  • Your bosses, akin to the Guardians of the Universe, are the Multiverse Guardians. They are said to have created the Multiverse. There are three types of them, the Writers, the Artists, and the ones who are both of them (aka Wraitists, as Blue Spider calls them).
  • The Multiverse Corps' headquarters exists in The Space Between Multiverses, also known as Knabrub. It's a weird space thing where there is a space station-like Hall where everyone goes to train or eat or other stuff. There is a Reunion Room where you get to meet the Guardians when you first get in there, Training Rooms, a Cafeteria and other stuff.
  • For training, a Writer and an Artist (or a Wraitist) go to the Training Room with you and make a threat appear from nowhere to you to deal with. You can also fight between yourselves or with other Rangers.
  • You will be fighting threats that could somehow damage the structure of Multiverse or just ones who the Guardians or other Rangers think they require your assistance.
  • The powers of the Multiverse Bands are mostly the some of the classic Green Lantern ones plus a few more, which are:
    • Energy Constructs: Fueled by your Trait. You start out with the power of making a football sized construct (includes ropes and punching gloves), but you slowly gain the power of doing bigger stuff. Please be reasonable when doing this, a rookie cannot make a giant dragon in their first day.
    • Force Field: Is on you all the time. You can call it off, but you shouldn't. Protects you from bullets and some other things, and lets you breathe in space.
    • Flying: You can fly all the time with the Band, which is useful.
    • Universal Translator: Like the Force Field, also on all the time unless you want it to shut off.
    • Communicator: You can hologram call and text all the Rangers and the Guardians. You get notifications when someone wants to hologram call you, and the texts work like in a chat.
    • Computer: The Band allows you to search stuff about whatever threat you are facing or what universe is the one you got in.
    • Interuniversal Travel: You can travel through universes by making a portal to the one you want to get in. When doing this, you get a small notification of what kind of universe is and some important facts about it.

Oh, and you guys have to recharge from the central battery every 24 hours. Your own batteries will be given later.

How to Sign Up

Complete this form and you'll have your character:

  • Name: The name your character goes by, nicknames and other stuff like hero names or codenames. Example: John "Jack" Samuel Bennet, known as Jackie by his roommates and siblings but nobody else. Codenamed "Fire Eagle" by fellow firefighters, and has a vigilante superhero self called Hawk Flame.
  • Age: How old is your character? Are they teenagers, old people, or something in between? Do they age differently because they are of another species? Example: Skarmir Jan is 239 years old, but she looks 28 human years old and is the equivalent of 32 years old in her planet.
  • Gender and pronouns: What gender are they? Are they male, female, non-binary, genderfluid, or what else? Example: Jack is male (he/him/his) and Skarmir is female (she/her), but Sam Lance is genderfae and prefers e/em/eir Spivak pronouns most of the time, when in enby mode.
  • Species: What species are they? Humans, Martians, Kryptonians, Gemworlders, or something else? Does that race have powers that have to be specified in the powers part? Example: Skarmir is a mutant Kyanaran, with powers both native to her species, and mutant powers.
  • Powers: What powers do your character have? Or they don't? Specify if they are normal in their world/planet/home or they are special. Example: Jack has no powers and relies in gadgets when he has to, but Skarmir has her species' natural electricity manipulation and mutant psychic powers.
  • Gadgets: Does your character use any gadgets to make their way easier? Are they a Swiss-Army Weapon or do they have only one use? Example: Sam has eir patented fire-marbles, with a fiery but harmless light to confuse people, and Jack uses an actual Swiss knife with some extra features in it.
  • Personality: How does your character act? Are they a Friend to All Living Things Nice Guy, a Jerk with a Heart of Gold or a Genki Girl? Example: Jack is stubborn, headstrong, brave and A Father to His Men, while Skarmir is nurturing, outspoken and smart.
  • Appearance: What do they look like? What do they wear? What kinds of outfits do they have? Example: Jack is a tall, buff, current Luke Cage-looking man who wears casual dark clothes in his civilian identity, but a bright red spandex costume as Hawk Flame. Skarmir is a Blue-Skinned Space Babe wearing a vaguely futuristic space suit as civilian clothes, but a Coat, Hat, Mask as a heroine. Sam wears a nerdy outfit as eir civilian clothes and Civvie Spandex as eir hero self, Cracker.
  • Backstory: How was their childhood? How did they get their powers? Write a few lines (or a full essay with a TL;DR in it, if you want) about it. Example: Sam was an engineer in S.T.A.R. Labs, but got fired after opposing illegal experiments and now fights crime and thwarts experiments with some gadgets e invented. Skarmir was a suffragette in her planet and fights against inequality in a costume and mask akin the Golden Age heroes of our world.
  • Multiverse Band and Trait: How is their Multiverse Band? A ring, a bracelet, a necklace? Why were they chosen to be Multiverse Travelers Rangers? Was it because their kindness, their willpower, their responsibility? Example: Jack was chosen because he has great courage, and his Multiverse Band is a ring. Sam was chosen because eir sense of righteousness and eir Multiverse Band is a belt. Skarmir was chosen because her willpower, and her Multiverse Band is a bracelet.
  • Universe they come from: What kind of universe do they come from? How different is it to the classic ones? Is there anything very different? (Green Lantern existence and form obligatory) Example: Jack's universe lacks aliens. Superman and the Martian Manhunter (being just the Manhunter here) are humans with Freak Lab Accident origins. The Green Lanterns are just a human scientist team with Hard Light beam Lanterns. Sam comes from a universe where everything is basically the same but Green Arrow is the greatest hero in that universe. Skarmir comes from a universe where the Green Lanterns do not exist, but the Blue Lanterns take their place, which is the reason she didn't get recruited to the GLC instead.
  • Miscellaneous: Any other thing you have to add, like peanut allergies or favorite colors or favorite super beings.

Introductory Posts: A Guide

  • In your introductory post, you will get the Multiverse Band, the equivalent of a Green Lantern ring, which is of a color of your choice.
  • There are some rules for when, where and how you get your Multiverse Band.
    • The Multiverse Bands don't exactly have an AI inside, but they won't appear in any extremely dangerous, important or crucial moment. So no recruiting in the middle of a Crisis (with or not capitalization) or when saving people from something or someone.
    • The Multiverse Bands won't announce your secret identity out loud when recruiting you. No yelling "PETER KORD OF EARTH-36616" when you are in your superhero costume patrolling the city or hanging out with some hero friends or "BLUE SPIDER OF EARTH-36616" when at work or with your college friends.
    • However, they don't guarantee keeping themselves a secret from a few people. Of course, no recruitments in front of the JJJ expy Bad Boss, but they might recruit you in the middle of chatting with your friendly Betty Brant-like coworker.
    • The Multiverse Bands have a pre-set thing similar to the Lantern corps stuff and some explanations.

[Insert Hero/Civilian/Other Name], you have/are [Insert Trait]. Welcome to the Multiverse Corps.

The Multiverse Corps is an organization dedicated to the protection of the Multiverse. Its members, the Multiverse Rangers, are chosen for their special trait, which serves as fuel for their Multiverse Band, such as myself. When the Trait fuel is considered not enough for sustaining a misson, an energy battery is provided for it. I will take you to the headquarters in the Space Between Universes, also known as Knabrub.

  • Stuff that may or not may be introductory depending of the length of your post:
  • The Multiverse Band then will create a portal and suck you in, making you appear at a giant space station-like headquarters in a space-like place. That means you float and can move willing yourself to fly. You arrive like ten feet away from the station. There will be three people meeting you. Peter Kord from Earth-36616, Skarmir Jan from Earth-519 and Jack Bennet from Earth-522. Also the other Sector 52 Rangers if they arrived too. The meeting and discussion.
  • Way not introductory post but summary of next events:
  • You guys then will get a tour of the place starting with the Reunion Room where you get to meet the Multiverse Guardians, then the training rooms, the cafeteria and other places.
  • Training time.
  • Mission time.
  • Deal with some bugs time.
  • Rest. Go back to yourr universe and deal with stuff and maybe get to sleep.
  • Continue.

Important NP Cs (list will be updated as we keep doing this)

  • The Multiverse Guardians: Your bosses. More than one hundred, but most of the time, there are only twenty in the Reunion Room. Everyone looks human and different. The main ones in the start are:
    • Gene: The Guardian who first makes you train. A neat and nice dude. Looks Asian, more specifically Chinese, and a Wraitist. Creates some nice bug aliens.
    • Joe: Another Wraitist Guardian. Likes planes and dinosaurs. Also apes and pre-history beasts. Will make you fight dinosaurs and apes.
  • Other Multiverse Rangers: Your teammates/coworkers, depending of which one are you talking of.
    • Peter Kord, the Blue Spider (Earth-36616): The second Blue Spider of his universe after his deceased Uncle Dan, Peter Kord was chosen as a Multiverse Ranger due to his sense of responsibility. A fun-loving person, yet can be serious at times. Mentoring Miles Reyes, the third Blue Spider.
    • Mae Dibny, Tsunami (Earth-11260): A perky teenager, Mae Dibny, daughter of the Ralph and Sue Dibny of her world, Mae was chosen because of her cheerfulness. While optimistic, she's not naive, and has water controlling powers.
    • Hanne Stenberg (Earth-408): A police officer from a world with no powers, but only tech, Hanne Stenberg was chosen because of their sense of righteousness. They're strong and have a very big sense of law.
    • Jack Bennet (Earth-52X 522), Skarmir Jan (Earth-519) and Sam Lance (Earth-530): See above. Jack's universe number will be was determined by what numbers you guys choose. He's going to be one of your teammates and your mentor. Skarmir and Sam will also occasionally help you guys due to the proximity of their sectors.

Edited by JTTWlover on Jun 25th 2020 at 5:52:50 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Spottedleaf The Ice Queen Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Buried in snow, waiting for spring

The Ice Queen

#2: May 29th 2020 at 12:53:51 PM

posting here to reserve my spot; will finish my form later

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#3: May 29th 2020 at 12:55:04 PM

Name: Yvette Deniece Waymon (also referred to as Vett or Lady Way)

Codename: Ash

Age: 36 (looks and acts like someone that age)

Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)

Species: Human (African-American)

Powers: Typhokinesis (Abnormal in human society)

Gadgets: N/A

Personality: Yvette is a kind woman. Something of a pollyanna. Still isn't afraid to unleash her wit though.

Appearance: Yvette is a 6'0 dark-skinned black woman with box braids. She can usually be seen in her hijab and copious amounts of black clothing when not crimefighting. Her crimefighting apperel is essentially a short sleeve grey t-shirt and some black leggings.

Backstory: Born in 1985, Yvette was raised Muslim in a quiet neighbourhood in Arlington, Virginia. She was an introverted girl who believed in magic in all its possible forms. One day, she made a wish that some of that magic would make itself known to her. She would regret it pretty quickly when her entire body dispersed into cinder and smoke. Although it took some time (Three days, in fact) to restore her corporeal form, she eventually got her body back. Considering her powers a gift from God himself, she soon got in the practice of heroism.

Multiverse Band and Trait: She was chosen for her sense of justice and the band appears as a ankle bracelet.

Universe they come from: In her universe (Earth-526) everything is the same, except the fact that the Starman (Jack Knight) is the most well-known and second most active superhero in America since Batman does not exist (The Justice League doesn't exist either, given that he wasn't around to start it).


  • Her favourite album is New Amerykah Part One: 4th World War by Erykah Badu
  • She has habit of biting her nails
  • If she loses consciousness through any fault not of her own, she will disintegrate into smoke unconsciously.
  • Her favourite painter is Henri Matisse
  • She got the nickname "Lady Way" from her mother who would let her play her Billie Holiday records to her heart's content
  • She is asexual & biromantic
  • In accordance with her beliefs, she will not kill anyone, no matter what they've done, as to take a life would be haram.

Edited by Baisteach on Jun 10th 2020 at 12:17:45 PM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#4: May 30th 2020 at 1:14:57 PM

  • Name: Lian Furong (real name), Xi Nantao (alias), Crimson Dragon (hero name). Nicknames include Xiao/Little Rong for Furong, Xiao/Little Tao for Nantao and Xiao/Little Crimson for Crimson Dragon.
  • Age: 107 years old, looks and is the equivalent of 15 human years old.
  • Gender and pronouns: Female. She/Her.
  • Species: Chinese dragon.
  • Powers: Dragon powers and some knowledge of magic. Not normal in the world, but normal for Chinese dragons.
    • Enhanced/Peak Human Condition: A little bit more durable, agile, quick, strong and smart than normal humans.
    • Water Control/Hydrokinesis: Able to create and shape water in many ways. And walking in water.
    • Dragon Transformation: Able to transform at will into a 15-feet long red dragon who can fly, control water and has her natural weapons, claws and teeth. Rarely uses it, preferring her human form.
    • Cloud Flying: Able to fly at various speeds in a cloud.
    • Cold Resistance: A spell. When used, she becomes resistant to the cold.
  • Gadgets: N/A.
  • Personality: Furong is a kind, curious, and outspoken girl. She tends to try to talk her way out of conflict, but isn't afraid to fight if she needs to.
  • Appearance: Furong is a teenage Chinese girl that usually wears hoodies, sweaters, dark clothing and semi-square glasses when in her "civilian" Xi Nantao self, and a blue Ming Dynasty-like hanfu as Princess Lian Furong of the West Lake. As Crimson Dragon, she wears a tight red non-dynasty-specific hanfu and half a red Beijing opera mask, just in case, she also wears a small red Domino Mask under it. As Nantao, she ties her hair in a ponytail, and as Furong and Crimson Dragon, she ties her hair in a bun. She's 5'7" (170 cm) tall and has ebony dark hair down her shoulders.
  • Backstory: Dragon princess fights crime like a anime cute witch/comic superheroine hybrid.
  • Multiverse Band and Trait: Furong was chosen because her kindness, and her Multiverse band is a bracelet.
  • Universe they come from: TL;DR: The same, but Aquamen, Atlantis, and more merpeople.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Line-of-Sight Name applies to her alias, since she got it by looking quickly at the school's name and two street signals saying west and south.
    • Will probably turn into a dragon if startled. She has controlled this while as Nantao, but may or not may turn into a dragon when startled in Furong or Crimson Dragon mode.
    • Thou Shall Not Kill applies heavily to her since she's both a teenager and pretty sensitive about death as an immortal.

Edited by JTTWlover on Jun 2nd 2020 at 6:19:57 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#5: Jun 2nd 2020 at 3:27:47 AM

im reserving my spot here thxies

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

Spottedleaf The Ice Queen Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Buried in snow, waiting for spring

The Ice Queen

#6: Jun 2nd 2020 at 8:25:19 AM

Name: Caitlin Snow

Age: 22

Gender and pronouns: Cis female, she/her

Powers: Caitlin can absorb heat from an outside source and turn it into ice and cold- in fact, she has to absorb heat or else she'll die. She can use the ice she generates to create simple constructs, including projectiles, and can steal heat through lip contact.

Gadgets: A small device, worn around her wrist, that circulates heat through her body. It needs to be charged every six hours. She hates this, as it makes her feel weak for being dependent on technology.

Personality: At first, she may come across as standoffish and cold, but that exterior quickly melts away when she takes a liking to you- and trust me, she probably will, as there are very few people she dislikes. Intelligent, and sometimes socially awkward, she has a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world. Her greatest weaknesses are her tendency to hold her emotions inside and to keep secrets.

Appearance: Caitlin is 5'4'' with blue eyes, pale white skin, and silver white hair, which she wears in a curly pixie cut. Her lips are tinged blue as if permanently frostbitten.

Backstory: The daughter of scientists Thomas Snow and Carla Tannhauser, Caitlin was extremely excited to accompany her dad to the lab at the age of twelve.

What he wasn't expecting was an explosion at the lab, killing Thomas and critically injuring Caitlin. When she recovered, she was cold to touch and her appearance was significantly more...frosty.

Carla blamed Caitlin for Thomas's death and became much more closed off. This led to Caitlin developing a strong urge to help others. She hopes to start a charity organization for accident victims.

Multiverse Band and Trait: Caitlin's band takes the form of a choker. Her greatest asset is a strong desire to help others, and this trait fuels her band.

Universe they come from: Earth 523, notably different in that the Green Lantern Corps do not exist but the Star Sapphires do.

Miscellaneous: N/A

Edited by Spottedleaf on Jun 2nd 2020 at 12:38:44 PM

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#7: Jun 3rd 2020 at 11:57:23 AM

There is a Discord.

Edited by JTTWlover on Jun 3rd 2020 at 10:00:36 AM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Booky Since: Sep, 2015

#8: Jun 11th 2020 at 10:20:09 AM

Name: Indali Bowin/Virtuosa

Age: 30

Gender and pronouns: She/Her

Species: Human

Powers: None. But she can do the following tricks with her violin.

Sonic Blast: Large and general or small and precise.

Nudging: Depending on the tune, she can make you happier, sadder, sleepier, more energetic, nervous (ect).

Sound Burst: Think of a flashbang but more melodic.

Skills: Very accomplished musician/singer. Also fluent in ASL and reading lips. Expert card player/Cardistry and close magician (keeps the hands limber and mind sharp). Decent in a straight-up fight but by no means an expert.

Gadgets: Carries a specially-reinforced Stradivarius violin and bow as well as a can of mace and small knife.

Personality: Cynical and sarcastic, she’ll look for easy money before a hard job. That being said, she’ll also go out of her way to help an orphan or someone down on their luck. She truly enjoys entertaining and using her violin. Hedonistic and perhaps a little lazy, but will fight for justice (and if it fills her pockets and no one gets hurt, why not have that too)?

Appearance: Classy ladyMultiverse Corps: First Flight Interest Check and Sign Up (9)

Backstory: Blessed with musical talent from a young age, Indali worked hard to succeed, bolstered by a loving mother and regular money from an absent father. Her world was turned upside down, however, by the discovery before her big show that her dad was actually the infamous supervillain known as the Fiddler. The thought that her talent was from a criminal knocked all thoughts of glory from her mind. To make matters worse, news of the Fiddler’s murder of his Maestro brother made more and more potential offers fade away. Indali turned away from her hopes of a legitimate career and towards crime, using the contacts she’d made and even trading in on her absent father’s name to become a dealer in stolen goods.Her mother beseeched her to become better, but all pleas fell on deaf ears when she received her father’s violin in the mail with an anonymous note telling her he’d been killed in battle and challenging her to do better. Indali threw herself into her studies again, following the suggestions listed on the note. After she felt confident in her skills, Virtuosa set out to challenge the Flash, as she assumed he had killed her father.

The battle did not go particularly well for the inexperienced young lady, but she did manage to escape by (reluctantly) forcing the Flash to save a group of bystanders. Afterwards Indali was contacted in the hospital by a group claiming to be from the government and “asking” her to join a secret government superhuman team. Before this happened, however, she was chosen to be a Ranger and eagerly took that option instead.

Multiverse Band and Trait: Her band takes the form of a beautiful hand flower. Indali was chosen because of her ability to focus, work hard, and desire to be better

Universe they come from: Her Universe (#521) is somewhat similar to the regular DC one except that everyone is much less powerful. For example, Superman is able to lift about 50 tons, the Flash can barely break the sound barrier, ect. This makes individuals with weapons such as the Rogues much more dangerous. Also, the Martian Manhunter and Firestorm, among others, have yet to appear. One odd extra note is that Atlantis has embassies in most major cities and a seat in the UN in her world.

Miscellaneous: Dislikes slugs and snakes.

Edited by Booky on Jun 11th 2020 at 6:05:29 AM

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Multiverse Corps: First Flight Interest Check and Sign Up (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.