19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (2024)

Here are over 19+ unforgettable activities to do with grandchildren. These are grandparent tested and grandchild approved!

The ideas that I share are the result of the loving relationships that I share with my grandchildren. These are all things that I have personally done and found value in.

February 2024 Update: At this point in time, the list of activities is way past 19. Be sure and read to the end and check out the comments from other readers who have generously shared even more idea!

My readers are amazing grandparents who are so creative. Thank you to everyone that has taken time to share your ideas. You are the best!

Activities for Everyone

Our family has begun to prioritize activities that everyone can do. Our age range is 5 to 75.

Themed parties

We had an Under the Sea/Salon Day/Dance party for the little one’s fifth birthday. She picked the themes and we loved it!

You’ll see that we have loved dressing up over the years as you read on.

My daughter-in-law found inexpensive face jewels and we took our makeup to the next level. I love dressing up and makes our normal activities unforgettable.

I love to go all in on the dress up. You can’t really see it but I am Ursula. The girl’s other grandmother does not love to dress up but she always buys a themed tee-shirt to wear.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (1)

Escape room

Earlier this summer our family went to an escape room. It was a lot of fun! We had grandparents, grandchildren, parents, uncles, and aunts.

We decided ahead of time that this would not be a competitive venture. The little ones really enjoyed the spooky (but not too spooky) atmosphere and helping look for clues.

You’ll be happy to know that we did escape!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (2)

Painting party

Recently I hosted a family painting party. No I didn’t have them paint walls, they painted art. I set up tables with paints and canvases and let everyone do their thing. We had fun food and had our favorite football team on television.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (3)

What Are Unforgettable Activities?

This post is a love story. It’s about the love between my grandchildren and me. This is the real stuff we do to build an unforgettable bond.

Last night, I was hanging out with my grandchildren. It was my middle granddaughter’s first soccer game earlier in the day. We had a great time.

After dinner the girls and I settled onto the couch. The little one put a pillow on my lap and laid down next to me. The soccer girl, leaned up against me to snuggle.

That hour of snuggling was unforgettable for me! You do not have to be super active to have unforgettable memories.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (4)
19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (5)

My style of grand-mothering is hanging out with the girls and doing activities or cuddling on the couch watching a show. Unforgettable activities are anything you spend time doing with your grandchildren.

It’s YOU that makes these activities unforgettable!

To be an unforgettable grandparent, you need to do memorable things with your grandchildren and I’m going to share some of my ideas.

I’m here to provide the inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to not just be unforgettable but to also form an amazing relationship with your grandchild or grandchildren.

Even if you’re not sure you could ever be unforgettable, I promise you that you already are.

Children may remember some gifts but what they really remember is time with you!

Why Doing Activities with Children is Important

I have worked with children for much in my life. I was a Brownie leader, a cub scout leader, and I ran a teen and children’s program. Here is what I know.

All children adore an adult who will spend time with them in activities that they enjoy.

It really doesn’t matter what you do–it’s that you do something with them. When you put your time, focus, and attention on children they LOVE it.

You can shoot hoops, go for walks, sit and talk, play games, cook food, or anything else you like to do and that you think they’ll like.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (6)

Here are the things I’ve been doing to stay connected to my grandchildren.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (7)

Fun Activities to Do with Grandchildren

If you are lucky enough to be together, you can find all kinds of things to do. My grandchildren now range in age from 5 to 15.

Creating memorable activities that could be done at home was so much fun. What I really discovered was that everything can be fun with the right attitude.

Movie night

Find a movie that everyone wants to watch. I do this with my daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren. We have fun finding movies that my daughter liked as a kid or new releases.

We put a picnic blanket on the floor with cushions for the kids. There is always popcorn with some candy treats sprinkled in.

It’s even more fun when you dress up to the theme of the movie but that isn’t required every time.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (8)


One activity that all three of them loved was painting. I had picked up a set of 30 acrylic paints in a set, a big pack of inexpensive brushes, and heavy duty painting paper.

Supply paper plates and cups of water for painting. A plastic table cloth is helpful too.

It was fun to see how all three girls expressed themselves. Even the baby had fun. I provided the most help to her, but she loved the experience.

All three girls had their own way of painting and creating their works of art. I love encouraging creativity.

While art is my thing, you could totally do this with simple sewing or a baking project.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (9)

Doing puzzles

We had fun doing some puzzles together. Nothing too hard. Again, it was good for all three ages. The baby doesn’t like to do baby things, so she’s always game for what the older girls want to do.

Their favorite was a United States map puzzle and they had fun learning about the states while doing the puzzle.

Making Christmas ornaments

This is next on my list! Here is a post I did that gives lots of ideas for ornaments you can make. I love making things that create memories and I love homemade Christmas ornaments!

Homemade Christmas Ornaments

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (10)

This year, in 2020, we didn’t do our annual cookie making party. But one day I was looking at my newest cookie cutter, a Christmas sweater and decided the grandkids and I could do salt dough ornaments.

I used the same paint I had used for a painting activity, a set of 30 acrylic paints and I made the dough ahead of time. They were so much fun to do!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (11)

Fun music

Whether it’s dancing inside or playing outside on the swings, my little ones love fun music.

When the weather was nice, we took the music outside and played on the swing set. I kept the two little girls going, while big sister could swing herself.

You can’t see it but we have a big speaker to play our tunes. Playing outside or dancing to music is a great way for kids to use some energy. We have a blast.

I keep a playlist of their favorite songs on my phone. We play them in the car, while playing outside, and just when we feel like getting silly with some dancing.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (12)

Play games

My grandchildren love to play video games but I don’t. So, even though they ask me, I always say no. I know, party-pooper for sure. However, some video games make me dizzy, so the girls totally understand.

If you don’t get dizzy like me, your grandchildren would probably love to have you join them.

I did enjoy virtual bowling and the entire family was able to participate in that.

I love to play board games. However, games vary depending on ages and I’ve not been able to find one that works for ages 2 to 12 that they all like!

2023 Update: The three of us can all play Uno!

So, I can play some games with one or two of the children depending on their abilities.

It’s worth trying to find games to play because I think games are good for kids! They learn to follow rules, compete, and practice good sportsmanship.

Teach them to sew or crochet

My seven-year old granddaughter is obsessed with learning to sew and crochet. Her other grandmother got her started on both and she loved doing it.

I found that you can buy kits on Amazon that have projects already cut out, that your little one can sew. Our kit came with plastic and real needles.

Supervision is still needed, especially if there are younger children around.

Sewing and other handcrafts are a valuable skill to know. My little one dreams of the things she will make. In the meantime she is improving her eye-hand coordination and expressing her creativity.

2023 update: My little toymaker is still making her stuffed animals. Now she designs and sews her own! I recently bought her a sewing machine and now we are both learning to use it.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (13)

Unforgettable Outings to Do with Grandchildren

Once a month or so, I like to schedule an activity with a grandchild or two that is more catered to them and what they like to do.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (14)

For the most part, anything that involves one-on-one time with me is considered something special by the grandchild. They really do like to hang out with me and go anywhere I suggest.

Over the past few years, the following activities to do with grandchildren have emerged as our favorites.

I’ve also made a note on what I’m calling their TOP-RATED activities. These are activities that they literally count-down the days until we get to do them.

Go to a live theater production

I’m starting with this activity because it truly is my granddaughters’ favorite thing to do.

Instead of presents for birthdays and Christmas, my daughter, their aunt, and I purchase tickets to live productions that we later take them too.

We’ve done Broadway shows, movies at the symphony (it’s a thing here in Houston and the girls and adults all love it.) We’ve done live shows based on favorite cartoons.

Long after other presents are forgotten and who gave them what, the memory of a great show lives on forever. This is definitely a TOP-RATED activity.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (15)

Go to an amazing park to play

To a kid, most parks are amazing. Here in Houston, I’ve found a few parks that are memorable that the girls had never been too.

Most of the time, taking the grandkids to a park is a treat enough but when you find a great one it becomes an unforgettable activity to do with grandchildren.

Recently though, I added a small picnic to it to make it even more special.

My grandchildren from 4 to 14 all love going to the park and when they get to go to a special one, it’s even more fun. TOP-RATED

Take a train ride

Train rides are fun! This is a super fun thing to do with grandchildren.

The park near my house has a small train that runs throughout the park. The grandkids love that. In addition, we have a metro rail that runs through town. That’s about as adventuresome as I’ve gotten.

However, there are real trains out there and kids love that too! My sister’s grandchildren love to go on real train rides.

To tell you the truth, I still remember my first train ride as a child. Train rides are memorable!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (16)

Take them to meet an author or artist

You can find these events at bookstores, gift stores, museums, or other types of cultural centers. I did this with my oldest granddaughter and she was thrilled.

While children often read books, they don’t really have the concept that real people create the words and art!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (17)

Get a museum membership and do frequent but short visits

Going to the museum can be expensive. I purchase a dual membership every year to one museum.

With a dual membership, I can take one grandchild at a time. Because it’s a membership, I don’t feel I have to stay at the museum all day.

It makes it easy and memorable, when you can pop into a museum and just do one or two exhibits.

That way no one gets tired or overwhelmed (ME) and you don’t have to spring for expensive museum snacks.

Take them to a restaurant they wouldn’t normally go to

It’s fun to take the grandkids out to a restaurant they wouldn’t normally go to.

Heck I like that too! My grandchildren are not picky eaters and can usually find something they like anywhere.

If you usually go to diners, try taking them somewhere a little fancier. If you usually eat inside, try eating outside.

Try some different ethnic foods and introduce them to another country’s food. Go somewhere that has things for the kids to do.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (18)

Plant a small garden together

Flowers, herbs, or vegetables. Even if you don’t have roomfor a proper garden, you can put some plants in a pot or two.

I recommend going to the garden store and picking some things that are already growing.

While planting seeds has its benefits, it’s kind of slow for kids. Plus, nurturing seeds along is more work.

Make a little garden together and then later, enjoy it orpick something to use in a meal.

Make a scrapbook with pictures of your experiences

Be sure and take pictures of all your fun and adventureswith your grandchildren. I LOVE to look through everything we’ve done togetherover the years.

To make it more memorable, create a scrapbook together. If you do it online, you can order copies for yourself and your grandchildren as well.

I’ve use Shutterfly and they were easy to use. Sign up for the mailing list to get the best prices!

You can also print out the pictures and paste them into ascrapbook, the old-school way.

Make crafts together

I keep a variety of things for the kids to craft with. Your collection doesn’t have to be extensive but keep the basics on hand.

I keep paper, chip board (like what goes behind pictures in a frame), scissors, markers, glue, pencils, and different things they can embellish their crafts with.

Often, we make cards or photo frames as gifts for family members.

Or they can just draw. I keep a tablecloth with the crafts so I don’t have to worry if they mark on the table. TOP-RATED

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (19)

I was thrilled when my oldest granddaughter learned to read! Finally, I could share the Little House books, Anne of Green Gables, and A Little Princess.

Right now, the two younger ones love reading the books I saved from when their mom was young. They especially love the Berenstain Bears and The Magic School Bus.

In addition, I love introducing books to the grandchildren. Reading is still one of my favorite activities and I love having little readers in the family.

We visit libraries and bookstores to get books to read. I’ve even passed down some of my own books for them to read.

As well as books I read myself, I also introduce them to books my children loved reading. It’s hard to believe that Harry Potter has been around that long!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (20)

Send postcards from every place you visit

When my own children were small, their grandparents traveleda lot and sent postcards from every location. The kids still have all of thesepostcards 25 years later!

Now that I’m traveling more, I try to keep up thistradition. When you travel, take addresses and stamps with you to make iteasier.

Teach them to do something

Teach them something you like to do. Cook, knit, crochet, play soccer, bake a cake, fish, ride a bike, make friendship bracelets. You get the idea.

Share something you enjoy and teach them to do it too!

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (21)

Let them help you with something

While kids don’t always like chores, often they won’t mind a bit to help you with a project.

Children of various ages can help clean out a closet, weed a garden, dust furniture, or go grocery shopping.

Take them to a pool and you get in too

This activity has the distinction of being the grandkids favorite activity and my least favorite activity.

They have amazing memories of going to the pools at my apartments. Even though I don’t like getting in the water, for safety reasons, of course I’d get in with the little ones. TOP-RATED

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (22)

Have grandchildren spend the night

Overnights are a favorite memorable activity for grandkids. This is always a TOP-RATED activity!

Here’s how to Help Grandchildren Feel at Home When They Visit.

Take them out for breakfast the next morning

I don’t make breakfast for myself at home, so I usually takethem to my favorite coffee shop. I get my coffee and they get juice or milk anda muffin.

It’s a win-win.

Help grandchildren do something for their parents

On Mother’s Day, I helped the girls make a craft for theirmom. It was a big hit and a surprise for their mom who didn’t know anything aboutit.

Kids love their parents and it’s a big deal for them to be able to do something for their parents. You could also help them cook dinner for the parents, make some cookies, or do a little cleaning if the parents are out.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (23)

Tell the grandchildren stories about their Mom or Dad

My little grandchildren love to hear stories about their momand her siblings when they were little. They love to hear what they liked to doand times when they got into trouble.

Have a camp out

My dad used to put camp outs together for my kids and theircousins. I haven’t attempted this one yet, mostly because I forgot about ituntil I was writing this post.

My children and their cousins LOVED these campouts. Therewould always a tent set up and a campfire. The most memorable campout was thenight a storm came through and everyone ended up inside.

19 Unforgettable Activities to Do with Grandchildren

Anytime you give to grandchildren is good time spent. Don’t feel like you have to do these kinds of things every week.

Most of these are special occasions. Sprinkle them in through the years and you will create amazing memories with your grandchildren.

My readers have contributed dozens of additional ideas in the comments. I absolutely love the ideas and often try them out.

19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (24)
19 Unforgettable Activities to do with Grandchildren (2024)


How do I keep my grandchildren entertained? ›

10 Ways to Entertain the Grandkids When They Come Over
  1. Cook Together. Make something special together in the kitchen and then share it. ...
  2. Go for a Walk. ...
  3. Tend a Garden. ...
  4. Make Something Together. ...
  5. Teach Them a Game You Like. ...
  6. Learn About a Game They Like. ...
  7. Read a Book Together. ...
  8. Watch a Movie Together.
May 3, 2019

How do I make my grandchildren feel special? ›

4 Ways to Make Your Grandkids Feel Special
  1. One-on-One Time. Invite your grandchild to go out to eat or come over to your home for a meal. ...
  2. Give Them Lots of Attention. ...
  3. Encourage Their Interests. ...
  4. Create New Traditions.

What grandparents should do? ›

All of these roles are important, and there are many more special things grandparents do for their little ones, but here are five to be celebrated:
  • Grandparents give advice.
  • Grandparents teach young children.
  • Some grandparents are primary caregivers.
  • Grandparents love.

How can I be a fun grandma? ›

9 Things Every Grandma Should Learn to Be the Best Granny Ever
  1. Pick a Modern Grandma Name. ...
  2. Learn the Rules Grandparents Shouldn't Break. ...
  3. Avoid Being Put in Grandparent Time Out. ...
  4. Get Along With the Other Set of Grandparents. ...
  5. Deepen Your Bond With Your Grandchildren. ...
  6. Balance Being Both Granny and Nanny.
Feb 2, 2019

How many times should grandparents see their grandkids? ›

Frequency of Visits

Some families may be able to see each other frequently, while others may only be able to get together occasionally due to distance or other factors. According to a study conducted by AARP, grandparents who live within 50 miles of their grandchildren see them approximately once a week on average.

At what age do grandchildren lose interest in grandparents? ›

This phenomenon varies quite a bit from child to child. However, it mimics the common experience of many parents as kids gain autonomy and get increasingly interested in their friends. Generally, at around age 10 into their teen years, some kids start drifting away from their grandparents.

What makes a good grandma? ›

Being adaptable, teachable, respectful, and supportive can lay the groundwork for being the kind of grandparent your kids and grandkids can trust. Don't beat yourself up if you realize that you've made some grandparenting mistakes. Parents and grandparents aren't perfect, and everyone has room to grow.

What is the golden rule of grandparents? ›

The golden rule for grandparents is to love unconditionally, offering unwavering support and affection to their grandchildren.

How to create a bond with grandchildren? ›

Visiting with them as often as you can is important, as is making the most of that time together. Here are other ways to build bonds and stay connected between visits: Create photo books. Even young children like to look at photographs of themselves and the people in their families.

How can I be a better grandparent? ›

  1. Enjoy having more time and less pressure. First time around you might have been juggling a new baby, a mortgage, a job, a husband. ...
  2. Get giggly. ...
  3. Complement, don't compete. ...
  4. Be kind to new mums (and dads): ...
  5. Sit back and observe. ...
  6. Don't mind the mess. ...
  7. There are no winners or losers. ...
  8. Step away from the sweets.

How do you show love to your grandchildren? ›

Time. Time is our most precious commodity, a fact that becomes more obvious as we become older. Spending time with your grandchild is a great way to show your love. Giving them undivided attention and focusing on them, even if it has to be done via Facetime or Skype, is a precious gift!

How to be a good new grandma? ›

Tips for first-time grandparents
  1. Let parents do things their way. ...
  2. Communicate, listen and ask questions. ...
  3. Try to be a calm, reassuring presence to the parents. ...
  4. Don't overshop. ...
  5. Offer to help out. ...
  6. Be flexible. ...
  7. Prepare to entertain. ...
  8. Childproof your house.
Nov 18, 2022

What is a grandmother's role? ›

Grandparents can be a major support during family disruptions. Sometimes they're playmates for their grandchildren. They're very often role models and mentors for younger generations. They are also historians -- teaching values, instilling ethnic heritage and passing on family traditions.

What does the Bible say about grandparents? ›

The one word that describes the totality of a grandparent's role biblically is the word heritage. Grandparents have inherited a faith they are to pass on to their children (Ephesians 6:1–4; Deuteronomy 6:2–9) and their grandchildren (Deuteronomy 4:9; Psalm 78:1–8). This is the biblical idea of heritage.

What to do when bored at grandparents? ›

Here are some fun play ideas and games for when grandma and grandpa take care of the kids.
  1. Play Cards. ...
  2. Gardening. ...
  3. Chess. ...
  4. Messy Sensory Stuff. ...
  5. Cook and Bake Family Recipes. ...
  6. Sew or Knit A Stuffed Animal, Toy or Blanket. ...
  7. Puzzles. ...
  8. Dress Up.

How can grandparents stay connected with their grandkids? ›

6 New Ways to Stay Connected to Grandkids
  1. Idea #1: Engage in some long-distance doodling. ...
  2. Idea #2: Share something you care about. ...
  3. Idea #3: Read the same books. ...
  4. Idea #4: Build something together. ...
  5. Idea #5. ...
  6. Idea #6: Star in your own fairy tale, or read one.

How do grandparents make their grandchildren feel they are special? ›

Spending time with your grandchild is a great way to show your love. Giving them undivided attention and focusing on them, even if it has to be done via Facetime or Skype, is a precious gift!

How involved should grandparents be with grandchildren? ›

While every grandparent wants to see their grandchildren as much as possible, it's important to also allow them space to be a family. Be aware of the potential burden it places on the parents to show up every weekend, especially if you are there at mealtimes.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.